Create button effect when the client's click on the create new.
It will create a new file create.tsx inside the components/buttons/create.tsx directory.
mkdir -p components/buttons && touch components/buttons/create.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
"use client"; import { AnimatePresence, motion } from "framer-motion"; import { BellRing, ClipboardList, Flag, Folder, Plus, StickyNote, Trophy, X, } from "lucide-react"; import { useState } from "react"; const transition = { type: "spring", bounce: 0, duration: 0.4 }; const Items = [ { name: "Project", icon: Folder, }, { name: "Task", icon: ClipboardList, }, { name: "Note", icon: StickyNote, }, { name: "Goal", icon: Trophy, }, { name: "Milestone", icon: Flag, }, { name: "Reminder", icon: BellRing, }, ]; const CreateNew = () => { const [status, setStatus] = useState<string>("idle"); const isOpen = status === "open"; const isHovered = status === "hovered"; return ( <div className="size-full center"> <AnimatePresence> {isOpen || isHovered ? ( <motion.div layoutId="Wrapper" style={{ borderRadius: 22 }} className="bg-primary tracking-tight text-primary-foreground" > <div className="flex w-full items-center justify-between py-2.5 pl-5 pr-2.5"> <motion.span layoutId="create-new" className="relative"> Create New </motion.span> <div className="relative"> <AnimatePresence> {isHovered && ( <motion.p initial={{ opacity: 0, x: 10 }} animate={{ opacity: 1, x: 0 }} exit={{ opacity: 0, x: 10 }} className="absolute -left-11 top-0.5 text-sm " > Close </motion.p> )} </AnimatePresence> <motion.button layout onClick={() => setStatus("idle")} initial={{ opacity: 0, x: -20, y: 10 }} animate={{ opacity: 1, x: 0, y: 0 }} exit={{ opacity: 0, x: -20, y: 10 }} transition={{ ...transition, delay: 0.15 }} whileTap={{ scale: 0.9, transition: { ...transition, duration: 0.2 }, }} onHoverStart={() => setStatus("hovered")} onHoverEnd={() => setStatus("open")} className="size-6 flex items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-background" > <X className="size-4 text-tight text-secondary-foreground" /> </motion.button> </div> </div> <motion.div initial={{ opacity: 0 }} animate={isHovered ? { opacity: 1, scale: 0.95 } : { opacity: 1 }} exit={{ opacity: 0 }} className="flex flex-col gap-2.5 rounded-[22px] bg-muted-foreground p-2.5 border" > <div className="grid grid-cols-3 gap-2.5 "> {, index) => ( <button key={index} className="size-24 grid cursor-pointer place-items-center rounded-2xl bg-background transition duration-500 ease-in-out hover:bg-background hover:duration-200 active:scale-90" > <div className="flex flex-col items-center gap-1"> <item.icon className="text-muted-foreground" /> <p className="text-[#6b6967]">{}</p> </div> </button> ))} </div> </motion.div> </motion.div> ) : ( <motion.button layoutId="Wrapper" onClick={() => setStatus("open")} whileTap={{ scale: 0.95 }} style={{ borderRadius: 22 }} className="flex items-center gap-1.5 bg-primary text-primary-foreground px-5 py-2.5 tracking-tight" > <motion.div layout initial={{ opacity: 0 }} animate={{ opacity: 1 }} exit={{ opacity: 0 }} transition={{ ...transition, delay: 0.05 }} > <Plus className="size-4" /> </motion.div> <motion.span layoutId="create-new" className="relative"> Create New </motion.span> </motion.button> )} </AnimatePresence> </div> ); }; export default CreateNew;
In the directory you want to use, do the following:
import Create from "@/components/buttons/create"; const MyButtons = () => { return ( <div> {/* your other content*/} <Create text="Create" /> {/* your other content*/} </div> ); }; export default MyButtons;
Built by Bossadi Zenith