Hello world card basically the easiest i made
Everyone can add homes, write notes and vote for their favorites
It will create a new file hello-wold.tsx inside the components/cards/hello-world.tsx directory.
mkdir -p components/cards && touch components/cards/hello-world.tsx
Open the newly created file and paste the following code:
"use client"; import React, { useState } from "react"; import { delay, motion } from "framer-motion"; const HelloWorld = () => { const [animate, setAnimate] = useState(false); const [frontImage, setFrontImage] = useState<number | null>(null); const images = [ { title: "Nothing", src: "/image1.jpg", tilt: 0 }, { title: "Nothing", src: "/image2.jpg", tilt: -20 }, { title: "Nothing", src: "/image3.jpg", tilt: 10 }, ]; const imageAnimationVariant = { initial: (index: number) => ({ scale: 0, x: index === 1 ? -50 : index === 2 ? 50 : 0, zIndex: 0, opacity: 0, }), animate: (index: number) => ({ scale: 1, x: 0, opacity: 1, zIndex: 0, transition: { type: "spring", stiffness: 260, damping: 20, delay: index * 0.15, duration: 5, ease: [0.9, 0.1, 0.25, 1], }, }), front: { scale: 1.1, zIndex: 10, opacity: 1, transition: { type: "spring", stiffness: 260, damping: 20, }, }, }; React.useEffect(() => { setAnimate(true); }, []); return ( <div className="center h-full w-full flex-col"> <div className="relativ cursor-pointer center bg-primary p-10 border-4 rounded-[25px] flex-col gap-10"> <div className="relative h-32 w-32"> {images.map((image, index) => ( <motion.img key={index} src={image.src} alt={image.title} className="h-32 absolute w-32 object-cover border-8 border-white rounded-3xl" style={{ rotate: image.tilt, right: index === 2 ? index * -10 : index * 10, top: index >= 1 ? 25 : index * 10, }} variants={imageAnimationVariant} initial="initial" animate={ frontImage === index ? "front" : animate ? "animate" : "initial" } custom={index} onClick={() => setFrontImage(index)} /> ))} </div> <div className="mt-10 flex flex-col gap-5"> <h1 className="font-semibold text-3xl text-center text-primary-foreground"> Share this wishlist with your <br /> group </h1> <p className="text-xl text-muted-foreground text-center"> Everyone can add homes, write notes and <br /> vote for their favorites </p> </div> <button className="bg-secondary text-secondary-foreground hover:bg-secondary/90 w-full h-11 rounded-md px-8" onClick={() => { setAnimate(false); setFrontImage(null); setTimeout(() => setAnimate(true), 10); }} > Got it </button> </div> </div> ); }; export default HelloWorld;
Built by Bossadi Zenith